Respect Reverence Responsibility Resilience

Meaningful experiences that promote social, emotional, spiritual, linguistic, intellectual, creative and physical development

The Sacred Heart School Canteen operates on a Monday, Thursday and Friday. Children have the option to order recess, lunch and refreshments. Managed by Mrs Lucy O’Sullivan, and supported by volunteers, the canteen ensures our students are offered access to a variety of healthy food options.

Download our Canteen Menu

Download our Canteen Volunteer Roster

Orders can be written and placed in class canteen boxes with cash. Alternatively, online orders for recess and lunch are available using the QuickCliQ system. Please note same day orders must be placed by 8:30am.


Click here to access your QuickCliQ account


If you are interested in volunteering to help manage the canteen, please contact with the front office. The support of our volunteers is so greatly appreciated.

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